Shockingly out of touch. "No good current ski reviewers, snowbird is run well and management to be respected" etc.... Laughable old guy stuff.

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You have any counterpoints to share, or you just here to complain?

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Sure, I would argue ski gear reviews are now more detailed and thorough then ever before and the video format has increased how much knowledge and real user feedback we can get about any product. Sure there are some dumb reviews out there. But adults who grew up with the internet know how to filter and compile information in a different way older generations didn't have to. I too grew up during the era of magazines being the only source for ski reviews and the days your guest was reminiscing for fall dramatically short compared to how informed and well versed I can get on any potential product I am interested in. Would I rather have a third page sized article in a zine about a ski, or a 10 min detailed video review, with tons of user comments with their feedback and a blister write up and review and user feed back on a site I might use to purchase those skis. To wish for the old days of limited information guarded by people who are getting paid by those ski companies advertisements in their magazines seems incredibly out of touch.

Second point, I worked in the LCC for many years and worked for snowbird for a few of those as well. 99 percent of all current and former employees have zero respect for pwder or snowbird management, if you ask them about snowbird management most get this like disbelieving 1000 yard stare and just shake their head and convey how you can't comprehend the insane level of incompetence and odd anti worker bitterness(best way I can think of to describe it) The GM is a nice guy for sure and is trying but it's an on going train wreck and their staff turn over is outrageous. If you think this is biased and want an empirical counter point there are times they can barely keep 1 out of their 12 f and b locations open due to how they treat their staff.

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Awesome podcast! I learned a ton, with impeccable timing since I'm going to be changing some of my gear this summer as some things are getting pretty old - my skis aren't detaching as reliably as they used to when I wipe out on the slopes, and I attribute that to the age of the bindings and a lack of maintenance on them... I had no idea bindings needed maintenance!

After what happened to your leg Stuart, and my bindings not working like they used to, it really reminded me that I need to check my gear! Especially after listening to this podcast too.

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That was a phenomenal podcast, thoroughly enjoyed listening to Jackson---his humor and storytelling are both amazing! I didn't think I would enjoy a podcast about gear, but I thoroughly enjoyed that.

I do chuckle to myself whenever you refer to a 90-120 minute podcast as "long" though... Ever since becoming a fan of Dan Carlin's Hardcore history, anything less than 4 hours seems almost short :-)

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Thank you! That’s good feedback on length. People are of vastly different opinions. Personally I am too restless to listen to podcasts anywhere other than the car, so I always imagine people listening to these in transit (hopefully to a ski hill). And I agree Jackson was amazing - easy to see why he’s become such an eminent voice in skiing.

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💥💥💥Stuart! This is the most enjoyable article I’ve read anywhere in a long time! Jackson Hogen is a treasure. More more more. His partner in crime in Snowbird Secrets is none other than David Powers, an old friend, ski buddy and founding member of the legendary Snowbird ski bros - THE SIZZLERS. I ran into the sizzlers on a trip to The Bird in the 1970’s, tucked in behind and followed - amazed, and exhausted, that they didn’t stop until we reached the tram plaza, shucked their skis and jogged for the next bus - a swirl of blue and red. Always first Tram and perhaps 6 trams before breakfast at The Forklift at 11:00. You could ask me about our before ski meet up on The Timberhaus beach each day - but I wouldn’t answer.

When I followed Sizzler Kurt Kurtzer letting him pick the line, turn radius and type, I got to the bottom faster and used far less energy than if left to my own device. In those years I spent 3-4 weeks a year at The Bird, most of it with The Sizzlers. They taught this easterner so much about The Bird how to ski a huge mountain covered in white essence. Included where hikes up The Twins and back country descents of 4 grand in White Pine, the hike across the river and hitch hike back to The Bird.

I encourage you to get David Powers contact info from Jackson, interview him and do an article on the Sizzlers to update the one from ski magazine circa 1980’s. Hope your leg continue to heal for it’s coming return to snow. If you ever venture to Labrador or Song it would be a treat to meet and make some turns. I could show you the Secrets of Labrador and Song, but with 580’ vert it’s hard to hide them.

All the best, Dick

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Thank you for the well-wishes, and I will certainly take you up on that offer. A Lab/Song run is likely in the rotation for this coming winter. I prefer Song and would love the insider's tour!

Jackson was tremendous. Every time I interview a writer, I realize I need to do this more.

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I look forward to your visit.

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