Mar 13, 2022Liked by Stuart Winchester

Hi Stuart, I became a paid subscriber today as I listened to your podcast on Mount Pleasant. The story of how they brought a lift in from Wisconsin was amazing to listen to. I think I first stumbled on to your newsletter about 8-9 months ago and have really enjoyed going through your podcast archive. We're snowboarders in NW PA and Holiday Valley is our home mountain. We enjoy going to the small ski areas and had great experiences earlier this year at Cockaigne (hit the conditions perfectly) and Woods Valley (day after Christmas - a great break from the holiday festivities). (We also made it to Breckenridge this winter so the big areas are OK too!) I find the stories behind the small operations particularly interesting. Thanks much for your work!

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Thanks so much for that comment and for the support. I really could not believe that Mt. Pleasant installed that lift themselves. Just an amazing effort, and Andrew I thought was a great storyteller.

Thanks again, and I agree: large and small ski areas are both great, for very different reasons.

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Hi Stuart. Thank you for all the work you have put into this. I really appreciate it. One suggestion I have is to talk to someone in Minnesota at one of the Minneapolis metro hills like Welch Village, Wild Mtn, Trollhuagen, or Hyland Hills. All are mostly off-pass ski hills that serve the metro and fill a different niche. Welch is an independent with an involved manager who does what Epic-owned Afton does and perfects it, Wild is cheap skiing, Troll is park heaven and Hyland is barely 150 feet of rope rope served vertical that offers park skiers access to as many reps as they want. In a flat metro area like Minneapolis, ski hills have to find their niche to stay relevant in a pass-dominated industry. Park skiing is keeping the sport alive in the Midwest.

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I love that breakdown. Thank you so much. I was looking at a Welch trailmap a while ago and the place looks really cool. Getting more MN pods is definitely on my radar. I've mostly gone with Michigan so far in the Midwest because it's the market I understand best, but this sort of intell helps a lot with understanding the rest of the upper Midwest. It is definitely an important market from my POV and one I plan to cover a lot. Stand by for more!

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Stuart Winchester

Happy to support your great work! Always entertaining reading, great content and (almost always) very well edited. Love your perspective on the sport and the industry. Exactly the right amount of snark where called for, but never meanspirited. ;)

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Trying not to bring people down. Thanks so much for the support!

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Feb 27, 2022·edited Feb 27, 2022Liked by Stuart Winchester

Happy to support the Storm! Keep up the great work! Your articles are interesting and witty and you write about something I care so much about!

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Sounds like we'd get along great! I appreciate your support and the note. Hope the rest of your season is a great one!

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Stuart Winchester

I'm happy to support free and fair journalism but the price is steep compared to other subscriptions. I would have loved to see a tiered system much like they do on Patreon. Good luck and I have really enjoyed your articles.

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Thanks so much, Karen. I respect that point of view and really appreciate your support in whatever way you feel is appropriate. Truth be told, Substack sets a minimum on subscriptions so there was only so low I could have gone.

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Stuart Winchester

Excited to support but wondering if there is an option for a student discount with a .edu address or a verification sent to you?

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Thanks - I am trying to figure out the same thing, for a variety of circumstances readers have raised. Stand by.

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Stuart Winchester

I am a veteran of the industry. 3years in back of the ski shop thru high school. Then move to Colorado 4 more years in the back of the shop. Then my dream job 37 years as a professional ski patrol member at a major resort. The last 7 years still patrolling as a volunteer. I have worked for some or the people that you have sat down with. I believe that this Journal is the most down to earth media that I have ever seen. True and to the point. Keep up the good work!

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Wow that means a lot coming from someone who has been on the ground as long as you have. I truly appreciate all of that.

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Stuart Winchester

I'm happy to support you Stuart. Your content is fresh, pertinent and very enjoyable. One of my favorite things is your pass tracker. That alone could be a separate way to monetize your content. Good luck!

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Thanks so much, Darren. Fresh pass tracker coming soon. Hopefully it will continue to evolve!

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Stuart Winchester

It's about time that you start generating some compensation from your hard work! As someone who who has been following you since very early on in your existence (maybe the second or third podcast), I have been consistently impressed with the quality of your writing, the podcasts, and your ability to book interesting interview subjects. You are absolutely right in your remark about the virtual collapse of professional ski journalism in the digital age. You are in the vanguard, along with a few peers including Mike Rogge and Sierra Shafer!

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I really appreciate the support and, most of all, the fact that you've been here since the very beginning. That sort of long-term community is exactly what I'm hoping to build here. Thanks again!

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Funny thing I am in exactly in the same shape you are ,I ski about 100 days per year and Monday (my first ski accident in 50 years) I was hit in the back by a snowboarder and broke ribs so it looks like only 75 days this year . I have read all your stuff and it seems we have the same interest good luck.

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Whoa. So sorry to hear that. Hope your prognosis is a good one. This injury hurt like a car crash for about half an hour, but then the drugs started flowing and it's mostly been inconvenient ever since. I can't even imagine the pain and inconvenience of broken ribs. Get well soon!

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Just happened to notice your response so here is the update. My last day of skiing was May 3 and I skied 116 days this year luckily accident free. I always felt you do not have to be an elite athlete but for sure it is very important to stay fit and for sure it is paying off.

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Stuart Winchester

I remember thinking when I first came across the Storm: “how the heck does this guy make money?”

The newsletter was entirely in an email (rather than a sentence or two with a “click here to read more”), no ads, and no subscription model. Slowly you added some “partners” with a few banner ads. But it didn’t quite click until that interview on the Out of Bounds podcast where you basically said “yeah… this is basically a shit ton of pro bono work. But maybe one day I’ll make money from it”.

I hope today is that day! Given that I read all your newsletters pretty much immediately after they drop in my email, and your podcast is incredible, $50/year feels like a no-brainer to me.

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I cannot thank you enough for that! I love that peak inside your reaction over time. Really appreciate the note and glad you're enjoying the newsletter/pod!

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