When you stopped comments for a little bit, I was a little disappointed I wouldn't be able to see what Super Mario had to say. Really glad you brought them back!
And to think I used to nag you to take your NE focused shtick nationally. Now I can say I knew you before you blew up. Though I am not sure that being mentioned by SKI magazine (defunct) is much of an honor. At least I know you didn't bribe them for the shout out. Congratulations, you influencer, you.
Have a drink Stuart. You've earned it.
Nice kudos! Good job and congrats!
Stuart is worthy of yet another "Snowbel Prize" nomination!
Thanks dude. I brought back the comments just for you BTW 😁
Wait really? That's awesome!
When you stopped comments for a little bit, I was a little disappointed I wouldn't be able to see what Super Mario had to say. Really glad you brought them back!
Hey, what's even better is when Brad Wilson spontaneously appeared one day in the comments section! Hopefully something like that could happen again.
this is amazing! though i would disagree with the assertion that it isn’t “super entertaining”. :)
Turn of phrase second to none.
And to think I used to nag you to take your NE focused shtick nationally. Now I can say I knew you before you blew up. Though I am not sure that being mentioned by SKI magazine (defunct) is much of an honor. At least I know you didn't bribe them for the shout out. Congratulations, you influencer, you.
Hell yeah.
Agree. 100% deserved.
We get the lifelong project aspect too.
Congratulations Stuart. Your hard work is earning the recognition it deserves!