thought IKON was the way to go, now not so sure. Should throw loyal customers a bone.

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Alterra has screwed up their response so massively. It’s hard to fathom all their talk about expansion instead of making a better effort in making their existing customers even a bit more whole. Their ads and their executives are way out of touch with customers on the ground. I think at least here in Colorado, there will be a flight to Epic and I hope they feel it at Alterra. They’ve been tone deaf.

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Nice to hear his thoughts on everything! As one of those full Ikon pass holders who buys the pass for spring trips and has no local resort (and got zero days on the pass), I wish them well but unless they come up with a better offer by their next deadline date will not be buying another Ikon pass this year. It’s obvious he recognizes that the Ikon pass is viewed and purchased for different reasons but so far their policies do not reflect that.

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Well done! As a friend and associate of

Rusty, since the mid ‘80’s, I’ve always known that he wants the best for skiers! Regardless of the tough decisions that have to be made. Bravo SteakSauce, Glen Plake

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So good to shut it all down for "safety" yet keep everyone's money. Not even match it for next season for the month's bought and cancelled. Thank$

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