Great list! Every single moment is very well thought out. The only thing I might add, which isn't so much a moment as it is a multi-year trend is it seems like we are seeing a small, but noticeable uptick in community based / non-profit / impact investing (for profit) / local ski operations. There already are probably at least a dozen that have been operating for decades across New England, but it seems like the last few years there has been more of them. Whaleback, Ascutney, Saddleback, Big Squaw, hopefully Hickory, and hopefully Farr's Hill. Maybe it is just more awareness due to Indy Pass, Storm Skiing Journal, backlash to the corporate consolidation, and Covid causing people to stay closer to home. But maybe there is something more going on here and I'm liking it.
Thank you. That is a really good add, and something I'm watching closely. I really think the Saddleback/Bousquet model is going to be a winning one, because it gives the ski areas the capital necessary to modernize and the financial resources to weather a few bad years while they re-establish themselves among skiers. I will def be writing more about this in the future.
Yeah, forgot about Bousquet, that's a good one. Eaton Mountain is another one I'm hoping to hear more of in the future. Will be looking forward to reading and listening to more of your content.
Hunter shut down three days (four?) due to Covid staffing issues with the ski patrol.
Good point. Though I think they blamed chemtrails or some bullshit.
As always, an enjoyable read, thank you. I for one, will be happy to chip in to support the journal and your rockstar lifestyle.
where the heck did you find that video at the end? amazing, horrific, hilarious, sad, American
Like many things with The Storm, that one was inspired by the Jim Rome radio show, where that video was for many years a running joke.
Great list! Every single moment is very well thought out. The only thing I might add, which isn't so much a moment as it is a multi-year trend is it seems like we are seeing a small, but noticeable uptick in community based / non-profit / impact investing (for profit) / local ski operations. There already are probably at least a dozen that have been operating for decades across New England, but it seems like the last few years there has been more of them. Whaleback, Ascutney, Saddleback, Big Squaw, hopefully Hickory, and hopefully Farr's Hill. Maybe it is just more awareness due to Indy Pass, Storm Skiing Journal, backlash to the corporate consolidation, and Covid causing people to stay closer to home. But maybe there is something more going on here and I'm liking it.
Thank you. That is a really good add, and something I'm watching closely. I really think the Saddleback/Bousquet model is going to be a winning one, because it gives the ski areas the capital necessary to modernize and the financial resources to weather a few bad years while they re-establish themselves among skiers. I will def be writing more about this in the future.
Yeah, forgot about Bousquet, that's a good one. Eaton Mountain is another one I'm hoping to hear more of in the future. Will be looking forward to reading and listening to more of your content.
Funny asterisk. Phenomenal content. Thank you.