I’m strangely but deeply interested in where other people ski. And you are not only other people, but other people who enjoy snowsportskiing at least as much as I do. And while I consider myself to be fairly clever when it comes to utilizing various passes and hacks to ski lots and at lots of places, I acknowledge that I am just one player in this snowy game.
So I have a request: please fill out this survey indicating which snowsportskiing passes you plan to purchase or have already purchased for the 2024-25 ski season. I will then share some aggregated data and some of the best pass quivers and hacks in a future newsletter. You can choose to make your answers anonymous. Here you go:
Thanks for playing. Please share with your friends:
Can't wait to see the results.
The question about five areas never been to but want to ski is a tough one. There are just sooo many! We pick one place out west every year and ski the f out of it for four days- that’s all we can really manage, and our criteria is that it’s an independent local favorite. But I think that an expert skier with a creative mind and a teenager’s sense of danger can make just about any ski area into what ever they want it to be on any given day.