Indy Pass to Announce 57th Partner at 1 p.m. ET Tomorrow in ‘The Storm Skiing Journal,’ Podcast to Follow
Here’s some Indy Pass 101 to get you through to then
The headline is pretty straightforward and I’m not going to say anything else about tomorrow’s new Indy Pass mountain other than that the announcement is happening here and only here first, and I’ll drop a podcast interview with the head of the ski area later in the afternoon. So if your friends like cool things like the Indy Pass but they’re not yet subscribed to this newsletter you ought to strongly encourage them to do so because the newsletter is not uncool and it is also a fantastic place to learn all about the Indy Pass and other skiing megapasses because I write about them constantly.
As we all anticipate tomorrow’s announcement, now seems to be a good time for a little Indy Pass primer, but since I’ve already said about everything I have to say on the subject I’ll go ahead and point you back to some of those old posts using the literary vehicle of an interview with my good buddy Scatterbrained Ski Bro.
Scatterbrained Ski Bro: Hey Man what’s this Indiana Pass all about?
Storm Skiing Journal: It’s the Indy Pass, Scatterbrained Ski Bro. The Indiana Pass isn’t a thing.
SSB: OK so the Indy 500 Pass. Is this like a racecar thing? I don’t have a racecar but my buddy and I jumped his RC cars off the roof of his dad’s toolshed into his swimming pool last summer. It was sick.
SSJ: That’s great Scatterbrained Ski Bro. Anyway the Indy Pass gives you two days each at 56 mountains in the U.S. and Canada for $199.
SSB: So how many of them are in Indiana?
SSJ: Zero, Scatterbrained Ski Bro. I did a pretty thorough region-by-region breakdown of the Indy Pass back in May, and an update when they added four more mountains in September.
SSB: Do you have a version of that without so many words in it?
SSJ: No, but breaks its partner mountains down region by region on a map with pictures.
SSB: Ah that’s rad cause I was like, ‘what is this, school?’
SSJ: Do you have any other questions about the Indy Pass, Scatterbrained Ski Bro?
SSB: So like this India Pass is just like a card I carry around in my wallet and shit?
SSJ: No, you actually don’t get a physical pass at all. You just take ID up to the ticket window at a partner resort and they issue you a lift ticket.
SSB: What if my license got suspended because I was spinning brodies in the K-Mart parking lot and playing shopping cart baseball where my Camry was the bat and the carts were the ball and I was hitting them out into the street and shit?
SSJ: Did that happen?
SSB: No but it would be sick if it did.
SSJ: Anyway Scatterbrained Ski Bro, you should know that you may need a reservation to ski at partner mountains this winter due to Covid-19-related capacity restrictions. Check each mountain’s website as soon as you know you’re going to visit.
SSB: OK so like if I’ve got a trip set up to India I just go see the mountains I want to shred and make a rez. Can I do that on my Insta?
SSJ: No.
SSB: My Tik-Tok?
SSJ: No. Through the ski area’s website. Look, Scatterbrained Ski Bro, if you want to learn more about some of the specific mountains that are on the Indy Pass, you can check out my Storm Skiing Podcast interviews with Cannon Mountain GM John DeVivo, Magic Mountain President Geoff Hatheway, and Berkshire East/Catamount Owner Jon Schaefer.
SSB: And those are all in Indiana?
SSJ: Why don’t you listen to this podcast interview with Indy Pass founder Doug Fish, in which we talk about all the mountains that are on the pass and all the mountains that could one day be added.
SSB: So is he from India? I don’t get this whole thing.
SSJ: That’s OK, Scatterbrained Ski Bro, just know that the Indy Pass is a relatively new and growing coalition. Plenty of mountains that have considered joining the pass seem to be sitting it out this year because Covid is limiting the size of indoor and outdoor gatherings. Mad River Glen GM Matt Lillard said as much on the podcast a few months ago. Fairbank Group Chairman Brian Fairbank also said on the podcast that the timing wasn’t right to consider the pass for Jiminy Peak, Bromley, and Cranmore.
SSB: Bro do you got any donuts?
SSJ: What does that have to do with the Indy Ski Pass, Scatterbrained Ski Bro?
SSB: What does the India Pass have to do with donuts?
SSJ: OK, Scatterbrained Ski Bro, I’ll release you to your donut run. If you want to learn who the new Indy Pass partner is, come back here at 1 p.m. Eastern Time tomorrow.
SSB: What do you mean, “Eastern Time?” Is that, like, different than regular time?
SSJ: No, it’s just the time zone we live in.
SSB: Wait, so, like, the Twilight Zone or some shit?
SSJ: You know what time zones are, right? It’s different times at different places all over the world to accommodate the rotation of the planet.
SSB: Bro you’re really tripping me out here.
SSJ: OK, forget that, just come back here tomorrow at one o’ clock for…
SSB: Besides it’s all bullshit, Bro. My boy was telling me that the planet’s actually flat. So basically if you look at…
SSJ: OK, we’re done here.

Lost Trail Powder Mountain is an original Indy Pass partner. It is not in Indiana.
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COVID-19 & Skiing Podcasts: Author and Industry Veteran Chris Diamond | Boyne Resorts CEO Stephen Kircher | Magic Mountain President Geoff Hatheway | NSAA CEO Kelly Pawlak| Berkshire East/Catamount Owner & Goggles for Docs founder Jon Schaefer | Shaggy’s Copper Country Skis Cofounder Jeff Thompson | Doppelmayr USA President Katharina Schmitz | Mt. Baldy GM Robby Ellingson| Alterra CEO Rusty Gregory | NSAA Director of Risk & Regulatory Affairs Dave Byrd
The Storm Skiing Podcasts: Killington & Pico GM Mike Solimano | Plattekill owners Danielle and Laszlo Vajtay | New England Lost Ski Areas Project Founder Jeremy Davis | Magic Mountain President Geoff Hatheway | Lift Blog Founder Peter Landsman | Boyne Resorts CEO Stephen Kircher | Burke Mountain GM Kevin Mack | Liftopia CEO Evan Reece | Berkshire East & Catamount Owner & GM Jon Schaefer| Vermont Ski + Ride and Vermont Sports Co-Publisher & Editor Lisa Lynn| Sugarbush President & COO Win Smith| Loon President & GM Jay Scambio| Sunday River President & GM Dana Bullen| Big Snow & Mountain Creek VP of Sales & Marketing Hugh Reynolds | Mad River Glen GM Matt Lillard| Indy Pass Founder Doug Fish | National Brotherhood of Skiers President Henri Rivers | Winter 4 Kids & National Winter Activity Center President & CEO Schone Malliet | Vail Veterans Program President & Founder Cheryl Jensen | Mountain Gazette Owner & Editor Mike Rogge | Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows President & CMO Ron Cohen | Aspiring Olympian Benjamin Alexander | Sugarloaf GM Karl Strand – Parts One & Two| Cannon GM John DeVivo| Fairbank Group Chairman Brian Fairbank|
funny stuff mr winchester, well done!